Bâtirente offers members of labour unions affiliated to the CSN a retirement system integrating accumulation plans and retirement benefit plans. A mix of eleven investment funds is available. Of those, five are diversified funds providing return/risk profiles that can be adapted to your needs and to the various stages of your life. To make your life simpler while offering you an optimal portfolio throughout your career and your retirement, Bâtirente offers Trajectory, its turnkey investment strategy.
Bâtirente was created in 1987 at the initiative of the CSN, to give women and men workers access to retirement plans adapted to their needs. In addition, this group retirement savings system provides many advantages. Bâtirente’s management fees are lower than those of most comparable funds, and discounts are granted to groups based on their size and accrued assets. Registered as a financial services firm, Bâtirente directly assumes the distribution of its products and services.
Three hundred groups, most of which are labour unions affiliated to the CSN, have established Bâtirente retirement plans. Some 21,000 members use them to build their retirement financial security. In addition, Bâtirente signs agreements with institutions wishing to take advantage of the investment system that it established. These institutions comprise labour unions, associations, co-operatives, social economy organizations, private funds and foundations.
Bâtirente retirement plans are usually implemented upon the signing of collective agreements that establish capital accumulation plans featuring employer and employee contributions. All members of Bâtirente accumulation plans may voluntarily continue to enjoy the advantages provided by its collective retirement system when the time comes to transfer their capital to retirement benefit plans.