Solely focused on providing exceptional investment management services to my clients.

I am committed to helping my clients fund retirements, college educations, homes, travel, and more through the intelligent allocation of their investable assets. Combining market wisdom, behavioral finance knowledge and technology, along with customized planning expertise, courtesy of Odlum Brown Financial Services Limited,* I help guide my clients towards achieving their personal financial goals.

Helping you reach your goals.

While working with you to craft and update your investment strategy, we will spend time discussing your ability and willingness to take risk. Risk tolerance is central to our approach, and your risk tolerance level will often evolve over time as circumstances change. Incorporating a socially responsible investment overlay to this strategy is part of the process. The three pillars of socially responsible investing are Environmental, Social and Governance factors, or ESG. Investments are selected for positive ESG performance relative to industry peers. This also includes avoiding companies that do not meet certain ESG performance thresholds. More than ever, having positive ESG measures for individual companies helps the bottom line on an ongoing basis and helps drive investment returns. I have a broad view of what constitutes risk. There is, of course, familiar investment risk. But what about the effect of inflation on cash flows? What about the risks that may arise from working for and then investing in one company and/or one industry? How might changes in tax laws impact your ability to grow your assets over the long-term? As a client, I will help you understand risk – and then, after understanding your full financial picture, create a portfolio to help you appropriately balance risk and reward. As your life and circumstances change, I am by your side, working to ensure your portfolio stays current. When I understand and align the critical components of your financial health, you are able to enjoy a greater sense of confidence in your ability to achieve your financial goals. What happens when the market goes down? Stick to your strategy! It is a matter of indisputable fact; markets go up and, yes, markets go down. The key to long term success – and the secret to weathering the storm – is taking a long term approach, and having a portfolio designed to help you reach your financial goals, despite market turbulence. A good portfolio includes having the right balance of equities and fixed income. These proportions are determined based on your unique circumstances, financial goals and risk tolerance. It also means keeping that balance in the face of what happens in the market day to day, or week to week. It is not just about your investments; it’s about insurance, wills, trusts and taxes and how each affects the other. A well-crafted investment strategy transcends each of these areas and works together, today and tomorrow.

*Available through Odlum Brown Financial Services Limited (OBFSL). OBFSL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Odlum Brown Limited offering life insurance products, retirement, estate and financial planning exclusively to Odlum Brown clients.

Services Offered in RI
  • Financial planning
  • Will & Estate planning
  • Insurance & risk planning
  • Taxation planning
  • Investment management
  • Succession planning
Minimum Account Size


Investor Type Dealt With



Type of License


Provinces Licensed In
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan