Kristel High

Certified Financial Planner
Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

popup medal icon RIA: Certified

Whether you are just starting your career or in full swing of retirement, Kristel feels that it is very important for everyone to have access to financial advice and expertise. With over 15 years of financial industry experience and over five years of Financial Planning experience, she has extensive knowledge of all aspects of a client’s financial well-being. She focuses a great deal of energy on effective financial planning and is also fully licensed to endorse mutual funds and provide need-based Life and Health Insurance solutions. She specializes in socially responsible investment products. She continues to strive to provide all of her clients with every facet of financial planning to help them obtain their individual financial freedom.

Services Offered in RI
  • Taxation planning
  • Investment management
  • Charitable giving
  • Small business planning
  • Financial planning
  • Will & Estate planning
  • Insurance & risk planning
Minimum Account Size


Investor Type Dealt With


Type of License



Provinces Licensed In
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba