From ESG Integration to Impact Investing

Wed, October 30, 2019

7:30AM-9:00AM ET

Toronto, ON

Increasingly, investors are asking about the impact of their portfolios. As ESG integration becomes mainstream, most people would agree that investing in companies with top environmental, social and governance practices creates meaningful positive impact.  Recent headlines citing BlackRock’s fossil fuel write down or the impact of Unilever’s products raise the question, “Does relying on disclosures of how a company operates rather than on what it does leave us vulnerable to  ‘greenwashing’ and ‘goodwashing’?”

This panel will examine different approaches to creating and measuring impact in public markets. Panelists will explore how investors are moving from “how” to “what” and from reducing harm to creating positive change. We are pleased to be joined by:

  • Loren Francis, Vice President and Principal, Highview Financial Group
  • Hyewon Kong, Director and Associate Portfolio Manager at AGF
  • Jonathan Hackett, Managing Director and Head of Sustainable Finance at BMO


Hosted By Rally Assets
