How Investors Use ESG Disclosure for Investment Decisions

Fri, March 1, 2019



Investors in Canada and around the world are asking corporations to disclose an increasing amount of information related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. This rising investor demand for ESG information requires an increasing amount of financial and human resources from corporate issuers, which can lead to “survey fatigue” and other capacity challenges. Many questions arise such as What ESG information should a corporate issuer disclose? How should it be reported? What issues are material for each industry, and which issues are less important? A panel of investors will explore these questions and others. The audience will gain insights on how ESG information is leveraged by investors to allocate capital.

Andrew Hall, Head of Environment Markets & Sustainability, TMX Group


Brian Minns, Vice President, Sustainable Investing, Addenda Capital
Janine Guillot, Director of Capital Markets Outreach & Policy, SASB
Sarah Takaki, Senior Principal, Responsible Investing, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan
