Congratulations to Canada’s newest recipients of the RIA’s financial credentials in recognition of expertise in responsible investing. View a full list of RIA credential holders here.
Learn more about the RIA’s training and credentials here.
Jeffrey Bonenfant (RIS), UNI Coopération Financière
Nathalie Carrier (RIS)
Hyun Choe (RIS), DFSIN
Giordano Ciccacci (RIS), Synergy Credit Union
Styve Kader Dagnon (RIS), DESJARDINS
Todd Ellis (RIS)
Marc-Antoine Gendreau (RIAC)
Nabil Haddour (RIS), Desjardins
Jean-Sebastien Hallal (RIS), FERIQUE
Dylan Hollingsworth (RIS)
Akshdeep Kaur (RIS), AVISO
Amandeep Kaur (RIS), Affinity Credit Union
Marc-Antoine Lacasse (RIAC)
Jonathan Landry (RIS), UNI Coopération Financière
Neil MacDonald (RIS), Sun Life
Najlae Mersar (RIS), DESJARDINS
Steve Murray (RIS), Sun Life
Line Petitjean (RIS), Caisse Desjardins du nord de Laval
Varun Rana (RIS), Sunlife
Karen Routledge (RIAC)
Parker Strojwas (RIS), Affinity Credit Union
Alexandra Tanguay (RIAC)
Chafik Francis Tata (RIS), Caisse Desjardins du Nord de Laval
Mike Veilleux (RIS), Caisse du Sud de la Beauce