RIA Member Roundtable Series

Join investment industry peers for an interactive Roundtable Series. Comprised of quarterly two-hour sessions addressing specific issues or themes related to responsible investment, this series is designed specifically for RIA members from institutional investors. Register here.

Each Session Includes:

– Pre-reading package with curated resources
– Two-hour online convening
– Guest speaker(s) on session theme
– Facilitated group discussion, breakout group discussion and activities, and group debrief
– Post-session resources

Why Attend:

– Stay up to date on top-of-mind issues and best practices impacting responsible investment, within a Canadian context
– Learn from and engage with industry peers in an intimate and confidential setting
– Benchmark and help your organization solve current obstacles and challenges
– Gain exposure to top experts and thought leaders 
– Build your network of RI industry professionals 
– Access unique and curated resources 
– Work collectively toward a common goal with like-minded professionals

Who Should Participate:

– RIA members in good standing from institutional investors (asset manager, asset owner, etc.)
– Maximum two participants per organization
– Registration is for the 2025 series, not individual sessions
– Participants agree to follow Chatham House Rule
– Active participation is expected from all in attendance

2025 Schedule and Session Themes: 

– Session 1: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (February 27, 2025) 
– Session 2: Indigenous Economic Reconciliation (June 17, 2025) 
– Session 3: Climate and Nature (September 17, 2025) 
– Session 4: Human Rights (December 4, 2025) 

Sessions run from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET 

Note: Further details around discussion topics and specific areas of focus will be shared in advance of each session.

RIA members from institutional investors can register here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register mid-way through the series?
Yes, registrations will be accepted mid-way through the series, space permitting.

I am unable to attend one of the sessions – can I still register?
Yes, you can still register if you are unable to attend one of the four sessions. Attendance will be confirmed in advance of each session to help the delivery team assign breakout groups.

I submitted my registration form – is my spot confirmed?
The RIA team will review all registration forms to ensure eligibility criteria is met. If all criteria is met, you will receive a confirmation email within two business days of submitting your registration form, indicating successful enrollment in the Roundtable Series.

Who is this Roundtable Series for?
This Roundtable Series is for RI practitioners from institutional investors (asset managers, asset owners, etc.). All participants must be RIA members in good standing.

I am an investment advisor/consultant/academic – is this Roundtable Series for me?
This Roundtable Series is specifically for RI practitioners from institutional investors (asset managers, asset owners, etc.). Please contact membership@riacanada.ca to learn more the RIA’s available programming options.

Is there a cost to joining the Roundtable Series?
There is no cost to joining the Roundtable Series. However, all participants must be RIA members in good standing.

Will the sessions be recorded?
To foster an environment of open sharing and collaboration, the sessions will not be recorded.

How do I prepare for each session?
Roundtable Series participants will receive a pre-reading package with curated resources approximately two weeks before each session. Participants are encouraged to review materials in advance to gain maximum value from the session.

Will I need to turn on my camera during the session?
Active participation is a requirement of the Roundtable Series. Participants are strongly encouraged to join from a location where their camera can be kept on throughout the session.

What does it mean to follow Chatham House Rule at the Roundtable Series sessions?
Following Chatham House Rule means that participants are free to use the information received from other participants, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the other participants may be revealed.

My firm is a signatory of the RIA’s Investor Statement on Diversity and Inclusion/Climate Change, and I previously attended roundtables. Will they continue to run?
The roundtables will no longer run within the context of the statements. Signatories that are RIA members in good standing and meet the eligibility criteria for this new Roundtable Series are encouraged to participate.

Will Roundtable attendance be eligible for external Continuing Education (CE) units?
No, the RIA will not be applying for external CE units from external accreditors.

Will there be an equivalent Roundtable facilitated in French?
This series will run in English. However, a French language breakout group may be included, based on demand.

RIA members from institutional investors register here.