It’s going to be a big year for responsible investment and sustainable finance in Canada. It’s also a big year for the RIA as we launch a new set of strategic priorities to guide our work for the next three years.
While our strategic priorities for 2021-24 largely represent a continuation and consolidation of the previous ones, there are some exciting new additions, such as the incorporation of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our vision statement. This provides the RIA with a “North Star” to guide our activities and programming. Our vision statement is provided below:
The RIA aims to drive the growth and development of responsible investment (RI) in Canada’s retail and institutional markets, with a vision to align capital with sustainable and inclusive development as codified in the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Given Canada’s position as one of the largest energy producers in the world and its need to improve diversity & inclusion in business leadership, the RIA’s priority themes include a just energy transition and a diverse & inclusive business landscape in Canada. Stewardship and impact investing are recognized as important strategies for catalyzing sustainable and inclusive development.
Flowing from this vision statement, the RIA’s strategic priorities are summarized as follows:
- Educate: We will continue to promote education for the industry and the broader market.
- Catalyze: We will play a leadership role in catalyzing market development and promoting market integrity in Canada with respect to RI.
- Advocate: We will advance a policy/regulatory environment that is conducive to RI.
- Build: We will continue to build our brand and reputation as the hub and leading voice for RI in Canada.
- Grow: We will continue to focus on growing our financial and human capital resources to strengthen our capacity.
You can download and read the full strategic priorities document here.
Special thanks to our board of directors for their contributions to this important work.