All Awards candidates must be members of the RIA for at least one year as of January 1, 2022. Awards candidates must be RIA members in good standing on the date they enter their submission, and on June 6, 2022 when the Awards are presented. Awards are available for both Organizational and Individual RIA Membership categories.
Award Categories
The RIA Leadership Awards are an opportunity to earn national recognition for your contributions to responsible investment in Canada. Each award recognizes the leadership and excellence of an RIA member for their work in one of the following three categories: Market Education, Integration, or Stewardship. Drawn from the RIA’s Strategic Priorities, these categories represent the critical work being done to advance responsible investment in Canada. An award will be granted in each category, for a total of 3 Awards. Learn more about past winners here.

Recognizing Organizational RIA members who seek to bridge the gap between knowledge about and demand for RI by engaging and educating market participants, raising awareness of responsible investment and developing and promoting tools, resources and research related to RI.

Recognizing Organizational RIA members who further the adoption and development of responsible investment practices among investment professionals by enabling the development of RI literacy and expertise, and implementing and enhancing RI policies, processes and principles.

Recognizing Organizational RIA members who exemplify leading stewardship practices by leveraging their influence as investors to advance the widespread implementation of ESG practices, standards and policies/regulations that support RI objectives.
Award Eligibility

Collaborative Projects may be submitted, so long as at least 50% of the project’s participants are RIA members, or RIA members actively contributed at least 50% of the effort for the project.
- Simply sponsoring a project will not be eligible.
- All participants must agree to take part in the Awards before sending in their submission.
- Multiple submissions for one collaborative project will not be permitted; if multiple submissions are received, the RIA will encourage the participants to submit a single Collaborative submission.
The activities described in the submission must have taken place or been implemented during the calendar year 2021. The Awards are open to both ongoing and completed projects. While activities might have been initiated prior to 2021, or may conclude after 2021, the submission will be evaluated on the basis of its reported results during calendar year 2021.
Submission Guidelines
The Submission/Nomination period will be open from March 2, 2022 to April 7, 2022 . All Awards candidates must be members of the RIA for at least one year as of January 1, 2022. Awards candidates must be RIA members in good standing on the date they enter their submission, and on June 6, 2022 when the Awards are presented.
An Individual or Organization can be nominated by another RIA member. The RIA will advise the Nominee of their nomination, and the Nominee will then be responsible for submitting their own Entry.
Additional information:
- Submissions must be on behalf of an Organizational RIA Member or an Individual RIA Member.
- Collaborative projects are welcome for either Submission type (further instructions available on the Submission Form).
- There is a limit of 1 submission per Organization/Individual per category and a limit of 2 submissions per Organization overall.
- Submissions, supporting documents and links can all be submitted in either official language.
Judging the RIA Leadership Awards
The Judges’ Panel is made up of 11 Volunteers with expertise in responsible investment in Canada. The Panel’s composition considers factors such as geography, gender, and racial diversity, consistent with the RIA Board’s Diversity Policy, and balanced representation from the following sectors:
- Academics
- Advisors
- Asset Managers
- Asset Owners
- Business/Consulting/Service Provider
- Financial Institutions (Banks & Credit Unions)
- Media
- RI Organizations